The multiple choice theory test

The pass mark is 43 out of 50

theory testThe multiple choice theory test used to be in the form of an exam paper but now you enter your answers on a touch-screen computer system similar to that shown here.

Before starting the multiple choice element of the test you will be allowed fifteen minutes to practice using the equipment. This practice session on the computer explains how you work through the multiple choice test and how you can choose your answers. During this time, staff will be available to help if you have any problems or questions.

There are 50 questions in the test and you need to answer 43 correctly to pass. You must answer each question.

Each question in the test has several optional answers with a box alongside each. All you have to do is touch the box against each correct answer. Some questions ask you to select more than one answer. If you are unsure of the answer to a particular question you can 'flag' it and go back to it when you have finished the other questions.

Once you have finished answering the 50 multiple choice questions you will have the option to take a 3 minute break before starting the hazard perception element of the theory test. You cannot leave your desk during this break.

You will be given your results to the hazard perception test and the multiple choice test before you leave the test centre. Remember - you need to have passed both tests on the same day to receive your theory pass certificate. Your results will include feedback about any topic areas in which you answered questions and hazards incorrectly

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