What to do if you fail your driving test

Don't give up. You will get there

fail driving testIf you do fail the test don't give up as most people pass their test eventually and the benefits are well worth waiting for.

At the end of the test your examiner will offer to tell you what went wrong. Try and remember what was said so you can discuss the points with your instructor. A good instructor will come and listen to the examiner immediately after you pull into the car park at the test centre.

Discuss with your instructor what you need to bring your driving up to the required standard. It is rarely sensible to retake your test very quickly. If you can't drive for half an hour without making a serious mistake you need considerably more driving experience before you will be safe on your own.

But do not despair - most people pass their test eventually and the benefits are well worth waiting for. Don't give up. Just make sure that next time you take the test you really are ready.

You do now have to wait at least ten days before you can take another test.

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